Leif Ove Andsnes embarks on a major project which marks a new departure for the pianist. Together with South African-born visual artist Robin Rhode, they have created a special program which centers on Mussorgsky’s epic piano cycle.
1 Promenade 1:21
2 Gnomus 2:27
3 Promenade 0:50
4 Il Vecchio Castillo (The Old Castle) 4:18
5 Promenade 0:31
6 Tuileries / Dispute D’Enfants Après Jeux (Dispute Between Children At Play) 1:00
7 Bydlo (The Ox Cart) 2:34
8 Promenade 0:38
9 Ballet Of The Unhatched Chicks 1:15
10 Samuel Goldberg And Schmuÿle 2:15
11 Promenade 0:38
12 Limoges – Le Marché La Grande Nouvelle (The Market At Limoges – The Great News) 1:27
13 Catacombae (Sepulcrum Romanum) Con Mortuis In Lingua Mortua 4:03
14 The Hut On Fowl’s Legs 3:25
15 The Grate Gate Of Kiev 4:31
16 Nurse And I 1:17
17 First Punishment (Nurse Shuts Me In A Dark Room) 1:27
18 Rêverie 4:37
19 Near The Southern Shore Of The Crimea 2:55
20 Von Fremden Ländern Und Menschen (Of Foreign Lands And Peoples) 1:34
21 Kuriose Geschichte (A Curious Story) 1:05
22 Hasche-Mann (Blind Man’s Bluff) 0:33
23 Bittendes Kind (Pleading Child) 0:56
24 Glückens Genug (Happiness) 1:13
25 Wichtige Begebenheit (An Important Event) 1:00
26 Träumerei (Dreaming) 2:49
27 Am Kamin (At The Fireside) 0:57
28 Ritter Vom Steckenpferd (Knight Of The Hobbyhorse) 0:39
29 Fast Zu Ernst (Almost Too Serious) 1:51
30 Fürchtenmachen (Frightening) 1:43
31 Kind Im Einschlummern (Child Falling Asleep) 2:24
32 Der Dichter Spricht (The Poet Speaks) 2:19